There's two shiny new communities that need some love and attention!
iconsofrassilon is a Classic Who icontest, with a new challenge every week. It's my very first own community, so I'm desperately hoping for participants and members. The first challenge will be posted on Sunday.
fic_rush is a 2-day, all day fanfiction marathon. The idea is that you spend as much of those 48 hours working on your fics as possible, and there will be hourly check-in posts to talk about your progress, goals, woes and whatnot to your fellow participants. It may look dead right now, but there will be some action soon, since I volunteered to do the modding when
studyofrunning is getting her beauty sleep. It's multi-fandom, so everyone who wants to get some writing done can join.
So, make us happy and join those two comms, yeah? ;)