(no subject)

Jul 13, 2006 15:25

Is it possible that I have forgotten, yet again, about my poor unsuspecting LJ? :cho: Poor diary. How I have neglected thee. So erm... what's up in meh life?

Really, not a whole lot. My life is still boring as hell. It's the summer, so no classes to keep me entertained at night. I've just memorized the prime-time line up on NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX. If that makes me lame, then so-be-it. Ohhh.. I've been watching this show on NBC: America's Got Talent. Good show. I do love it quite muchly. It's like American Idol, but with all talents. Heh heh... some of them I wouldn't really consider "talents" of course. Like the nose-flute playing pirate. I dunno about that one. :P

I have also developed a sick obsession with Tristan and Isolde. *swoons* AH! I LOVE that movie! I seriously am so lame that I watch it every night. Oh yeah. I'm deep in it. I'm a sucker for period pieces what can I say? And James Franco... *melts into a blubbering puddle of Michelleness*... ah James Franco... *dreams*

Ah yesh, and I've joined the diet world again. This time it's actually working. See, I've neglected to tell my one friend. Because every time I start a diet and tell my friend she'll turn it into this big competition where she HAS to lose more weight than me. And she literally has a heart attack every time I tell her I've lost a pound and she hasn't. So to bypass that whole mess I just didn't tell her. And I'm actually sticking to the diet and enjoying myself. If my friend would know right now she'd probably be out running on the track by the university just so that she could beat me. So I really feel like I'm doing her a favor by not telling her. Who likes to diet with pressure. Really now.

The main drive for the diet is because I have a wedding to go next Friday. Yikes. I love weddings... sometimes.. but most of the time they just make me want to vomit. Everything's so perfect and white and glittery.. blah. Gag me. Ok, let me rephrase that... I hate the wedding ceremony. Blech. Now the reception. Yehaw. I could dig that. Open bar dude.

So I'll stop muttering... back to work. *flops*
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