Easter Eggs in OpenOffice 2

Aug 27, 2008 18:55

Scrolling list:
Open any OpenOffice program and chose Help, About OpenOffice.Org. In the dialog box which opens you press the CTRL and type the letters S, D, T.

Secret Function displays the developers:
Create a new tabell document in OpenOffice Calc and type in a cell of your own choice =STARCALCTEAM() and the Developers names will be inserted and a dialog box with an image will open.

Secret autotext displays the developers:
Open a new text document in OpenOffice Writer and type StarWriterTeam. When you pushes the F3 button an image of the developers will be inserted into the document.

Star Wars Galaxy:
Open a new document in OpenOffice Calc and type =game() into a cell. The cell should display the text say what?. Write the =GAME("StarWars") and press the Return key and a game will start.


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