
Mar 05, 2009 09:01

So, I've been absent here for a long time. After I finished the Demon Game and began sending it out to agents, I took a break from writing, first for the Christmas season and then to sort out some issues with my main character in my new story.

But besides juggling work,kids and writing as usual, I struggled with fibromyalgia, which I've now had for about a year. It's an illness sort of like arthrites of the muscle tissues, a cluster of symptoms that varies with each person. Mine include chronic pain (mostly in hips, butt, knees, feet, arms and hands), fatigue, a foggy mental state (not good for creativity, that), fuzzy memory, dizziness, tingling and numbness in the extremities, and sleeping issues. Oh, and a rather large weight gain, out of the blue, to top it off nicely.

Fibromyalgia has no known cause or cure, but on the upside, it's not progressive or fatal. So things could be worse. I try to cope and still make writing a priority. As always, writing makes life so much better. Now if only I could keep my butt in that chair...
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