Job Started

Apr 08, 2003 19:51

Well, sorta. This whole week is Orientation. A whole first day was incredible. So much paperwork. so much... Spent hours filling out forms. Tax formes, Retirement, life insurance, Union. Must have written my name and address and S.S over 100 times.

Then there was a good tour, again, all around the place. Saw all the blocks and prisoner cells, messhall, corridors, commissary (where i'll be working) and so on. Sing Sing is so big, it's amazing. I've had thoughts of modeling video game levels after some of the areas.

Had to get a TB test too, AND a photo ID. Thats when you know you're official *grins* an official state employee ID card. That was all yesterday.

Today was totally boring. Tests, writing, more tests, a few videos on what we just heard about.


Do NOT trust the inamtes. The inmates are NOT your friends. Do not take anything from them, do give give anything to them. Do no favors, let NO personal information known at ALL.

Do NOT let yourself be fooled or targeted for inmate con-games, because they WILL try.

They spend 3 days hammering this one basic principle home in every form and fashion. Through videos, reading, writing, and more. It must be a very common thing and one must be VERY alert and watch what to say.

I regret taking this job... I'm gonna start looking for another even now.

At least i'm getting paid for all this. A whole 40 hours, at probably around $10 an hour, full time. But they take all sorts of fees and such out of the first few checks. well, here's hoping I can deal with it.

I got home today, to find that the package Kat sent got here. It's a little furry stuffed dragon... I read the card she wrote and looked at the dragon again, crying again. It looks a bit like Kreagor...just like she said.

I sent out a little present to her too. Might get there in a few days, but it's out. Hope she like it.

I also hope the job does something to take my mind off of it... And i'm hoping I can manage to cover it all up. At least during work hours.

They told me that those inamtes will take advantage of every possible slip or situation. Right down to a few words, even if planned months in advance...I'm not sure if this is the place for me, especially now...

I'm not really online anymore. I message Eld and Kat sometimes, but that's it. I can't talk to Katie in any way. No letters, no calls. And I won't be online... So I think that this friendship might also have to disappear, just as so many have done already.

what comes next?...
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