(no subject)

Jan 06, 2006 23:59

Everyone loves rebecca
and brenna
and jenny
and emily
and jane
and olivia
and sheina
and emily the other one
and emily the ugly one
and elizabeth
and elizabeth the other ugly one
and christina
and andrew
and andy , nevermind
and hannah
and samiyah
and katie
and anna
and lucy
and cody hahahahaha
and demi
and natalia
and catherine
and breanna
and powers
and johanna
and maggie

if they dont, then they should becuase they are all wonderfull people whom I love. We are all stuck on a rock and then we die. So why doesnt everyone just get along. I will love everyone of you forever (even if you threw me in lava and then took me out and fed me to birds), I love all you people so come to me to talk if you want because I will understand, and I like to listen. I love all you people because you are so nice deeply, it doesnt matter if certain people dont see the fabulousness inside of you because its still there, even if its not always visible. It is shown by the good things you do everyday, even if one of those good things is just living and feeling life, because too little to we see the beauty in the world. Too many times have I been walking somewhere on our campus and seen a couple of clouds in the sky and the wind going through the pretty happy sounding trees and thought it was the most beautifull thing ever, but not had anyone around me realize this as well, too busy with trivial ordeals. Too busy not realizing the true meaning of life. Too busy not loving every moment wether it is unberable or completally happy or shocking or stressfull. At least you are here to enjoy the relif after every rough patch. And at least you have your friends, even if your friends are not who you thought they are, they will always be there when you want to go to a movie, to have a nice lunch, to joke around and laugh at stupid things that on any other day you would just regard as a pointless remark someone said.
conversations are happy
happy is love
love makes the world go round
so talk already
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