Tweets from a feathered dragon
- 21:59 .....................................KILL ME NOW #
- 08:40 cheeseburger flavored doritos? I think my heart just took on a few ounces of plaque... #
- 08:41 why does all the construction happen right above MY office??? *neurotic* #
- 08:45 they're sawing over my head again, and more stuff is falling into my room........ #
- 08:56 there's no asbestos here, right? :P #
- 09:29 catching up on marketplace... withholding dividends is stealing. Mostly from pensioners. We're usually not cool with that around these parts #
- 09:32 wow .djvu files are waaaay smaller than .pdf #
- 09:47 ...just got a religious email at work..... did not know there were even any christians around here o.O #
- 13:44 huh I switched from work to sneaker shoes for lunch and didn't realize I had #
- 14:30 there's kimchi in my friiidge :D #
- 20:01 woooow, the H-Mart in Flushing, NY is 24/7 #
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