(no subject)

Jun 01, 2010 21:01

Tweets from a feathered dragon

  • 05:46 dear sun: go back to bed o.O #
  • 08:35 I got two work emails at midnight yesterday. Christ, you don't need to show off so badly #
  • 08:56 You know, it's pretty annoying to get your paycheck anywhere from the 30th to the 7th. #befucked #
  • 08:59 confusing people with my tea snobbery #
  • 09:09 day over now pls. thx #
  • 09:26 stuff falling from my ceiling again........................ #
  • 14:04 I fear the renewable energy bubble #
  • 16:04 truly tempted to go to @tanukipdx then return to work... #
  • 18:27 dear Crystal: I'm not sure if I should thank you for waiting til I was awake to barf, or to be more annoyed I wasn't home. :P #
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