Tweets from a feathered dragon
- 06:44 I had a dream where I did not explicitly declare something comma formatted and all the commas somehow turned into underscores. Ahhh! #
- 09:12 whhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy do they insist on scheduling Friday afternoon meetings ON FRIDAY? *sob* #
- 09:25 @.@ my afternoon is ruined #
- 09:32 "west coast business casual" is a nice way of saying jeans and flip flops #
- 12:20 guess who's rebuilding 2 building models at the last minute--for the first time!!! :D :D :D :D :D ): ): ): #
- 14:03 glad @pdxwy's been a great sport about work...
he also brought me Bunk! # - 14:11 pork belly coma #
- 16:44 Check it out, I found something that trumps my hate for humans: stuff humans made! hate hate hate, hate hate hate #
- 16:59 I grow more and more impressed with the sloppiness of this engineering program as time goes by #
- 17:04 You know how you can be sure this program saved? Close it and see if it worked. :P #
- 17:34 tempted to install nethack on my computer now #
- 17:38 admit it, I've shown restraint not wanting that for a year! #
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