Mar 21, 2009 23:40
Tonight I got to play in my very first LARP, and it was a lot of fun! (For those who might not know, LARP = Live Action Role Playing, which is basically where you have a character and pretend to be him or her for the duration of whatever the event is.) I didn't get to be in the LARP last year at Game-A-Thon, because Tyler was here and I wanted to spend time with him. But this year's Game-A-Thon has been going really well!
Tim decided to try his hand at running a LARP this year. I think I've rarely seen him as frazzled as today when he was trying to finish writing up all the characters, but it was a good time. It was set in Claystone, which is the same setting as the campaign he's running that I'm in, so we got to see a lot of people that we know either directly or indirectly in the campaign.
I ended up playing Yu Chen, known as the Geisha; she was the leader of the large thieves' guild that has rigid control on Claystone's Chinatown. One of my goals for the evening was to hide my identity, however, so I called myself Mei Ling. I managed to accomplish all of my goals; including making business deals with a coffee- and gunpowder-selling gnome, hiring a half-orc troublemaker as a bodyguard, and sleeping with Monk, the retired adventurer who runs the best restaurant in the city. Between trying to avoid the cop (he almost arrested me for being a prostitute), the conspiring to protect the mob boss's runaway daughter, and trying to keep my new bodyguard out of trouble, I was pretty busy.
Once I had all of my goals as Yu Chen accomplished, I changed characters and became Psychic Sally, a halfling woman who makes a living as a Gypsy fortune-teller, and sells juicy information on the side. It was pretty cool; I went around offering to tell people's fortunes and bullshitting the answers, and managed to sleep with the only other halfling there. I wasn't playing her for very long before the game ended, though, so she didn't do too much.
Apart from the LARP tonight, Game-A-Thon's been going well. I participated in a one-shot last night, which was good. Then I ran the first part of a Pirate-themed one-shot today, which we're going to finish up tomorrow. Apart from DnD and related; I played some Rock Band and hung out with various people that I haven't seen a lot recently. Unfortunately, tomorrow's LARP was canceled. Chuckie needed around 20 people to run it, and we didn't have enough even attending Game-A-Thon at all, let alone wanting to LARP. I figure it might give me enough time to properly finish my one-shot, but I'm sad that I won't get to play.
We'll see if I end up doing anything this weekend that's not gaming related; homework might be a good idea, but we'll see if it happens. XD
gaming club