Nov 16, 2013 15:45
A few weeks ago, our friend told us his 11-year old daughter "came out" to him and his family. I adore his daughter (I made her my flower girl, after all), and this made me love her even more. I admire her courage and her honesty. I wish I could talk to her about it, but a)I don't want her to know her dad told me, b)It would be better if she told me herself and c)I don't get to see her very often.
Her father and Denver briefly discussed that it could possibly be a "phase" she is going through. They didn't say it to mean they don't agree with her being a lesbian, but more so to say, "She's still young and experimenting, this may not be a permanent thing." In one respect, I want to agree, but if you talk to many openly gay and lesbian people today, they will tell you they knew at a young age that they liked the same sex. So I somehow doubt she is going to change her mind on this one.
As I said earlier, I wish I could talk to her. I want to know what she's thinking and feeling. She reminds me so much of myself, and I've told her that if I ever had a daughter, I would want her to be like her. But knowing what I went through in grammar school, I fear for her and worry she will go through the same patterns as I did. She leans towards darker things, much like I did, but she is starting at a much younger age. I want to protect her and tell her it will get better and not to let the hate consume her, as it did with me for quite some time. And purporting to be a lesbian that young may not help. She apparently also "came out" to some of her friends, including a friend she has a crush on, and it did not go well.
Touching more upon how much she reminds me of myself, I have to wonder if she is going through what I am still battling, which is high levels of testosterone. I often felt masculine among my female peers. I was less girly and dainty and usually bigger than them. But I don't ever recall thinking I liked girls. I always liked boys, but I was usually too shy to admit it and always felt too ugly to ever think a boy would like me. Yes, I decided to experiment a bit with girls, but that didn't happen until college, and I have determined I like kissing and touching aaaaaand that's it. Also, I like the senpai-kohai relationship between young girls, and went through a period of my life when I thought I really wanted to be in one (I desired to be the older, more experienced one with a petite, younger girl). This is why I want to talk to her. I want to see what she's going through and maybe offer some insight and wisdom. Man, I've entered that age of wanting to nurture those younger than me and guide them.
Anyway, I have hope that by the time she is our age, being homosexual, bisexual or transgendered will not be such a stigma, that she and her peers will no longer be judged and ridiculed for who they are. I think it's very possible, so long as our children are taught tolerance and equality of all human beings. It can be done! And I have faith it will happen....