Nov 14, 2004 21:46
Finished the knitting for my sweater a few days ago. The sleeves are drying as I write; when they're done, I'll finish the seaming.
I think that I am going to swear off nonmerino wool. It's cheaper...but I have too sensitive skin, and I would be happier with something that's not as itchy. I mean, Cascade 220 isn't that bad-Micah has an old sweater that puts it to shame*-but I'd prefer something softer. I think it will still be useful to wear to walk to school in, but I don't think I'll want to sit around the house in it for hours on end.
That said, what do I do with this leftover most of a skein? Something felted, perhaps? Cascade appears to felt really really easily-I threw the gauge swatch in the dryer on "knit/delicate-low heat" to see if it would shrink, and it did and got all fuzzy, so I bet an actual sturdy wash cycle would felt it fast.
I suppose I will add about 1200 meters of merino aran to my Christmas list, to try making a slightly softer sweater. I'm seriously considering using the same pattern, though.
Micah is apparently impressed by the length of yarn necessary to make a sweater.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I've been considering making wedding presents for Mary and Josh. After careful consideration, I have decided that making something that they will like and use trumps making something that will be a big surprise. That said, um...anything you particularly want? And can you provide necessary sizes and fiber/color† preferences? You might actually be fine with regular wool.
*Actually, it might put Cascade 220 to a great deal of pride in its nonitchiness.
†Preferably one color. Or plain stripes. I like making cables and lace, but I'm not that fond of making complicated colored patterns.