So I was looking at some old notes...

Aug 16, 2004 12:47

Before I made Alya, I made a practice dragon. Here are the instructions for the head. (The body is basically a tube, which gets wide, and has hdc instead of sc at the front to make it curve.)
These instructions are for a simple dragon's head, with the neck at the bottom, that looks more like a dragon's head than a snake's head. It was the dragon's head from the first beaded dragon I tried.
Instructions for beaded stitches and so on are filed with Alya.
Thread many beads onto the string. If you wish to thread the eyes on now, there should be 28 beads before the first eye and 9 beads between the two eyes.
Ch 4.
Row 1: In back of 2nd ch from hook, (bsc, sc), bsc in back of next ch, (sc, bsc) in back of next ch, turn, (sc, bsc, sc) in back of same ch, bsc in back of next ch, (sc, bsc) in back of next ch, sl st in t-ch.
Row 2: Bch, *(sc, bsc) in each of next 2 sc, sc, (bsc, sc) in each of next 2 sc*, bsc, repeat from * to *, join.
Row 3: Ch 1, *bsc in next sc, sc in next bsc* 4 times, (bsc, sc) in next st, bsc, (sc, bsc), *sc, bsc* 4x, join.
Row 4: Bch, *sc, bsc*, repeat between *s around.
Row 5: Ch 5, bch, (sc, bsc) in back of 2nd ch, sc, bsc, sc in backs of chs, sc-dec in back of next ch and next sc, *sc, bsc* 4x, (sc, bsc), sc, (bsc, sc), *bsc, sc* 4 times, [sc-dec?,] sc, bsc, sc in back loops of chain, (bsc, sc), join.
Row 6: Ch 1, (bsc, sc), (bsc, sc, sc, bsc), (sc, bsc), sc, bsc, sc-dec, *sc, bsc* 9 times, sc, sc-dec, bsc, sc, (bsc, sc), (bsc, sc, sc, bsc), (sc, bsc), join.
Row 7: Ch 1, bsc, sc, ch 1, skip 4 sts, *sc, bsc* 6 times, sc, (bsc, sc), bsc, (sc, bsc), *sc, bsc* 6 times, sc, ch 1, skip 4 sc, sc, bsc, join.
Row 8: Bch, sc, bsc, sc in ch-1, *bsc, sc* around, bsc, sc in ch-1, bsc, sc, join.
Row 9: Ch, bsc, *sc, bsc* around, LOOSE sl st in turning-chain.
Row 10: Loose sl st in inner loop of next st, sl st in inner loop of next st, turn, skip 1 sl st, *sc in sl st* 2 times, sl st in inner loop of next sc.
*Sl st in inner loop of next sc, turn, 3 sc, sl st in inner loop of next sc* 6 times. (Roof of mouth made.)
Turn, loose sl st in sc, sl in sc, ch 4, (sc, sc) in bk lp of 2nd ch from hook, *sc in back loop* 2x, sl in sl, sl in next sc, turn, sc, sc, (sc,sc), (sc, sc, loose sl), (sc, sc) in back loop of next ch, *sc in back loop* 2x, *sl st in sc* 2x, turn, sc, sc, (sc, sc), (sc, sc), sl st in sl st.
Row 11: Bch, *sc in front loop, bsc in front loop* 3x, *sc, bsc* n times, sc-dec, bsc, sc-dec, *bsc, sc* n times, *bsc in front loop, sc in front loop* 3x, join.
Row 12: Ch 1, *bsc, sc* around, bsc, join.
Row 13: Bch, bsc-dec, *sc, bsc* 2x, (sc, sc), *bsc, sc* 8x, bsc, (sc, sc), *bsc, sc* 2x, bsc-dec, loose sl st in bch, sl st in next st.
Row 14: Ch, *bsc, sc* 9x, bsc, join.
Row 15: Bch, *sc, bsc* 9 times, sc, join.
Row 16: Bch, sc-dec, *bsc, sc* 2x, bsc, sc-dec, bsc, sc-dec, *bsc, sc* 2x, bsc, sc-dec, join.

alya, stuffed animals, pattern, beads

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