Nov 26, 2007 17:25
Lol I just read on ONTD- yes I have a sickness for celeb gossip, I admit :p- that Pete Wentz actually has written to a band called Neurosonic and told them he actually was offended by how they made one song where they poke fun at his now girlfriend's Ashlee Simpson SNL disaster where she was caught red handed lip synching. Oh get over it. It's just not right to lip synch, I think it's one of the lowest things a singer can do actually and just proves that even YOU know you cannot sing without some help, at least you cannot sing the way you have fooled people into thinking you can.
Overall, I hope Neurosonic writes back and says the truth: if you get caught being false onstage, then you deserve the criticism you receive, be it by whoever.
Besides, why should Ash complain? This will be a great excuse to write a song on her newest album coming out anytime now about how one band with one (pretty funny) song made her only stronger. Maybe Pete can co write it with you. Nothing is more romantic than writing a revenge song together eh?
Anyway besides that I actually am pretty happy today- I got an A on an exam that was pretty tough. I'm such a smarty. Or I just buckled down and studied my ass off...yeah that was it haha. :)