2 Spots at Ellis Hotel(Short walking distance to Big 5 Hotels of Dragon Con)$400 altogetherFRISATSUN

Sep 02, 2015 19:36

My friend and I have a room at the Ellis Hotel and we WILL be using the room as well. The room is costing us $1000 for FRIDAY SATURDAY and SUNDAY nights. We are trying to off-set the price by bringing in 2 additional people. We want $400 altogether for both spots or $250 per person for all 3 nights. You may use the room as if it were yours i.e. sleep, nap, store items such as clothes and costumes, shower, bathroom... and so on. You will be using the Floor to sleep on unless there is more room than we are expecting...

TO CLARIFY: TOTAL COST is $400 for: 2 people for FRIDAY SATURDAY and SUNDAY nights
OR: TOTAL COST is $250 for: 1 Person for FRIDAY SATURDAY and SUNDAY nights

We might be open to doing a night by night deal if you are not going for the full 4 days at dragon con.
Text details and I will discuss them with my friend.

Text or call: 4044088491

Look at photo on craigslist post: http://atlanta.craigslist.org/atl/roo/5203476310.html to see location relative to dragon con locations. We are right in the mix of things. I outlined the "Normal" dragon con locations and hotels in BLUE. I Circled the Big 5 Hotels (Hyatt, Marriot, Westin, Shereton, Hilton) in GREEN. Our Hotel (ELLIS) is circled in RED

any host hotel, info post, roomshare available

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