Jul 08, 2015 08:31
Hotel: Host preferred but will consider one within walking distance
Check in: Thursday
Check out: Monday
Type Room: Flexible...1 spot needed
Contact: hth_johnson@yahoo.com
I am in need of one spot in preferably a host hotel room. One within short walking distance can also be considered. I have been to Dragoncon quite a few times in the past and have roomshared before with no issues...both male and female. I am a mid 30s male...very hygienic and courteous. Im usually up early and up late but can be very quiet as not to disturb. I am a non smoker and casual drinker. I dont mind partiers or quiet types. I do not cosplay so I dont need alot of space.
I am looking for an open bed spot as I am flying and cannot bring a matress or sleeping bag. This is not a deal breaker if something else can be figured out. I do not mind sharing a bed with either gender and do not snore or toss and turn. If interested let me know!
roomshare needed