Feb 15, 2017 10:19

If you'd like to participate in the 2017 Parade, now's the time to sign up to march!

Our parade will roll down Peachtree Street in downtown Atlanta on Saturday, September 2 at 10 AM sharp, rain or shine!

We accept individual and group (2 or more people under one name) entries as well as parade vehicles on the same form.  You must be a member of Dragon Con to participate in the parade. Registration will remain open until all space has been reserved at which time it will close with little to no warning.

We will contact you privately if we have any questions or concerns about your entry.

Separate, final vehicle confirmations will be sent June 30.  Remember to send us photographs of your vehicle(s) at dc_parade (at) dragoncon (dot)org.

When you successfully register, two (2) things will happen, you’ll receive a response screen letting you know your information has been received and you’ll also receive an auto-reply email containing the information you entered.

If your registration was not successful (information was missing or incorrectly filled out), you should see the form again with instructions regarding what to fix at the top of the page. Correct the entry and submit again.

If you have any problems registering or need to make a change to your entry, email us at dc_parade (at) dragoncon (dot)org.

Click it or cut and paste this URL into your browser to register:  http://tinyurl.com/dcparade2017

Can't wait to see you all at the parade this year!
JP :)
Director, Dragon Con Parade


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