Feb 16, 2016 13:22
FIRST UPDATE. VEHICLE REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.I will be confirming the vehicles registered so far to verify that all vehicle slots have been reserved. Please contact me via PM or email (dc_parade at dragoncon dot org) if you would like to be placed on the Wait List for parade vehicles.
BREAKING... Yes, parade reg is open and you have heard the call. Oh my, have you heard the call. smile emoticon REQUEST FOR REGISTERED PARTICIPANTS, if you are part of a group that is or will be registered PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER YOURSELF as an individual marcher as well. It's a double count and unnecessarily freezes space. Trust me, your parade participation is assured in the numbers registered by your group. Let me know ASAP if this pertains to you so I can free up the space you reserved.
JP :)
Director, Dragon Con Parade