Blog update and more

Aug 07, 2014 16:19

I did a new blog on Dragon Con last night stating that as of today, we are three weeks out from the convention.  I also gave an update what I have been doing.  I also created a convention playlist all about my blogs.

Please be sure to check these out

1.My latest Vlog

2. My Convention playlist.  I have some stuff from last year's show

I am still looking for people to interview for the show.

What would you like to see me cover this year without bother the major panelists?

atlanta, anime/manga track, meetups, artists, host hotels, hotel registration, costume group, trek track, science track, main programming, dragoncon tv, eternal memberships, space track, amer scifi media track, blood drive, animation track, brit scifi track, dragoncon wiki, meetup info, scheduling, costumes

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