Reminder: Tom Smith's Dragon*Con Schedule

Sep 02, 2009 09:25

Hey, gang! This is a repost of my schedule, just 'cause we're actually close to the con and all. :) After missing last year, I'm back at D*C, with five count 'em five sets. The pocket program has most of them listed in Filk, rather than Live Concerts, so I thought I'd put them all here for those who care. :) Remember that the musicians' tables are at the Marriott this year, but all of these performances are at the Hyatt.
  • Friday 8:30 p.m., Intl N
  • Saturday, 7:00 p.m., Awards Banquet, Regency VI-VII
  • Saturday 10:00 p.m., Intl N-South
  • Sunday 3:30 p.m., Concourse Stage
  • Sunday, 7:00 p.m., Regency V
It's a little frustrating that the filk concerts are not automatically lumped in with the live concerts, given that [a] we're not dead and [b] if you don't know to look for 'em, you'd hardly know that such excellent performers as Marc Gunn, Pandora Celtica, and the Bedlam Bards are here. The pocket program has all the Filk information on pages 24 and 25, and I heartily recommend you check us out.

Many thanks, and see you at Dragon*Con!

pocket program, music/performers, filk track, main programming, hyatt, marriott

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