Dec 04, 2004 17:37
what's new w/ me.
I've decided to retype DC because it's easier than editing it to the disk from the hardcopy. problem is I haven't been able to just sit and type for so long that my fingers are cramping that and dad's pc setting is a little high for me to comfortably type. I've already got the prologue and first two chapters redone. This also allows me to find the mistakes and clarify shit that I missed the first go around. Only 225 pages to go. It doesn't matter it refreshes my memory and might get me onto the sequel.
What have I written of late? Andrew asked me to write songs for his band and I got 8 of the assigned 16 done. I don't know if I'd call myself a lyricist. I feel very cliche in the task. I also wrote a confusing diaglogue piece. That's about it. Oh, I'm going to be published. Nothing big. My Creative Writing class is putting out a book and I'm in it so it's a credit to my name. No word on the Anthology piece though.
Had an interesting week. I was on my way to class Tuesday. Snow was coming down like crazy and I needed to change my wipers so I really couldn't see. So as I'm white knuckling the steering wheel Andrew calls me. I don't know why. Probably something stupid and irrelevant. He'd been moody all day. Still don't know why. He wants me to tell him what's wrong w/ me but he'll confide in Brian before me. Besides the point. Oh, it was to find out if Shaun had left the PSX controller when he left. Which he hadn't so know we're stuck w/ the stupid green one with the short cord.
Anyway, Tuesday was our 2 month. I'm stressing due to the weather and trying not to slide over the line. So my mind's distracted. What do I say before slamming my phone shut? Love you. Fuck. Didn't mean to do that. I kind of didn't realize who I was talking to. My family and most important friends always say love you before I hang up so I forgot who I was taking to. Is that very wrong or what?
Problem comes I don't know how exactly I feel for him. I know I'm missing him terribly since we're separated for the weekend. I know I'm calmer and less angry when he's around. He doesn't allow me to sulk. So is this truly the definition of love? I don't know. Thursday night he returned the sentiment. I think we're both weirded out. I just don't know.