Jun 08, 2004 12:58
To show I have nothing better to do on my lunch.
Daily Extended Forecast for June 08, 2004
Don't let the blues make you bad. Treat yourself kindly, no matter what. When the going is slow, you could overcompensate by pushing too hard, and that's when the accidents begin. Insiders overlook important details. Outsiders don't even know where to begin looking. It's not as if nobody needs you. It's more that you're needed somewhere but can't get there. You'll surprise yourself and find a way before you know it.
Daily Flirt:
Your weird streak continues -- but lucky for you, weird is the new charming. You might not even realize that you're flirting, but a well-timed (if inadvertent) non sequitur could lead to something serious.
Daily Couples:
Watch out! Your sweetie might rub you the wrong way with the best of intentions. Playful silliness might be misinterpreted as anything from immaturity to insanity.
Daily Singles:
So, maybe he or she has a goofy side. You didn't see this before you fell madly in love with them, but it's charming in its way. So they have funny taste in movies. You have your quirks, too.