Jan 29, 2014 10:48
2 simulation patients thus far, neither have MSK issues. First is postpartum hypothyroid, second is apparently reactive hypoglycemia. I say apparently because according to Medscape, Robins pathology and pubmed the case doesn't work! The "patient" falls asleep after large meal, ok fine, but none of the labs fit, add to that that this "patient" is supposed to be nearly 70 years old and has no abnormal labs and a perfectly normal sleep study and normal neuro work up? You're gonna tell me that having any kind of hypoglycemia is going to present with NO neurological symptoms? The predominant fuel source for the brain is SUGAR and someone with blood sugar imbalances has NO neuro symptoms? I call bullshit! Yes, diseases don't read the text book, fine, yes these are sim patients, fine, but how about a believable profile! Fer fucks sake! Also, been talking to some fellow students and the only sim patient who actually has any MSK symptoms to address is presenting with bloody Alzheimer's! I get it, they want to train us to be general care docs, and MAYBE with the way healthcare COULD go with Obama care MIGHT have Chiro's seeing cases like these, but it's not terribly likely. They want to train the ND's for these cases great! Then separate the classes! Thus far I probably would've offered to assist the first patient with diet and exercise but that's it, consult with primary and all that. The second? RE-FUCKING-FER! But that is not an option. At least these are sim patients and I don't have to get things right, I have to learn what they want me to learn to pass the class, I really had higher hopes for this class. I am at the very least getting experience with taking histories and learning how to chart, that's important. Lookit! Bright side!