Bit o rant

Aug 29, 2011 18:24

So this last weekend at Bristol I had 2 events with children that has only further reinforced that we need to go back to corporal punishment. The first one was this older teenager, 16-20 couldn't really tell, who had one of these noise maker horn things that are apparently used at sporting events. It would have been just fine except that he was blasting this thing 3 feet from my head and it is meant for a stadium environment. I, in a semi sarcastic manner, pick up the hammer and tell him that if he does that again the hammer is gonna get thrown at him, and of course he does it again causing everyone around him, my paying customers, to cringe because it's so loud. So I walk up to him get right in his face and say directly to him so the rest of the crowd can't hear me that if he does that again I'll have him thrown out and that he needs to act like an adult. Right after his mother runs up grabs the horn out of his hand and walks by and says "it's taken care of!", at which point he is humiliated and many in the crowd applaud. The second was this little shit head who couldn't have been more than 8-10 who just stomps up swinging his 4' wooden sword around nearly smacking several patrons as well as walking in front of several others who were patiently waiting their turns and demands to play right now while sticking his sword in my face. Needless to say I wanted to grab by the throat and toss him in the river. As politely as I could I told him to get his sword out of my face and wait his turn, he starts yelling that since the customer is always right and he is the customer that he can do whatever he wants and continues to wave the sword around nearly hitting a few others and demanding to play right now. At that point, after having already dealt with the teenager, I've had it. I tell him that the customer is not always right and tell him to go away all the while starting to take someone else's money who had been waiting. The kid stomps off and I say loud enough to make sure that his parents can hear that if he would wait his turn, ask politely and not stick his sword in my face again I would be happy to let him play. He says no really snotty and walks away. I look up from counting out change just in time to see his mother grab the sword out of his hand and grab him by the shoulder and drag him off while clearly scolding him as quietly as she can.
As if we needed further proof that this self-esteem movement nonsense is a bad idea. There is no respect to speak of in kids these days. That respect has been beaten in to children in every culture through out history. What makes this generation so fucking special? This generation is going to be completely useless. If we actually manage to save what's left of the economy then this next generation of self entitled little assholes is going to destroy whatever's left.
end rant

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