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Aug 13, 2012 16:49

Convention report!
AmeCon, Keele University. Which is like an hour from my house, follow one road number all the way. Easiest navigation ever. Phew.

I'm tired as hell from the parties finishing at 1.30am. My feet hurt from picking the worst socks to go with my Org boots. I want to curl up in bed but I daren't do so yet.
...Still. Worth it.

In total, there were ... five KH cosplayers. The crap. I spent a lot of the weekend palling around with the other two Organization 'players (one of whom's actually the guy I was 'argh!'-ing at over the forums... heh. Goes to show, can't always judge folks from interweb posts.) Honestly, it was the most fun I've had cosplaying: I packed a few other things but I kept falling back on Xemnas for the hell of it. We derped around and kept cracking Nobody jokes and generally had a good time. Well, I did anyway, I think the guys did too...
(Think next time (might be London Expo, I'll check whether I can make that) I'm doing Zexion for the more manageable hair (even with them bangs) and being more able to pull a li'l guy like that off. And I've got some fixes to do on my coat; hopefully I can get the paint that rubbed off on it back off, don't want to remake the flipping thing.)

On a non KH note, my Vinyl Scratch went down pretty damn well, too, although the Sharpie dye kept rubbing off the wig. Blue crap everywhere. Another 'welp back to X.' moment thanks to that. Met up with a bunch o' bronies on the Sunday, which was also fun. There were three of us DJs; and rather niftily, one of the actual event DJs invited me and one of the others up to actually have a photoshoot behind the decks. :D I hope the pics come out well!

Didn't go to too many panels; couple on the Saturday but that was mostly it. Spent a lot of the time raiding the dealer's room, chilling in the games room (mostly on the DDR machines), or just plain latching onto any folks I could to hang out with. Pretty relaxed sort of weekend except for the parties. Oh god the parties. Disco night, rave night, cheesy music night. Mah feet... was melting from trying to dance in Org coat, too, but once again, worth it. :p Would've liked to see the inside of the dance hall more too, but I was so tired out after the time I spent there that maybe it would have been overkill? IDK. Still, fun.

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