I have been trying to keep the air a little warmer in our house and it is totally messing up my sleep. When it is too hot I always have these really messed up nightmares and wake up in a panic sweating. It really really sucks to have to deal with but I don't want to pay a ton of money to get our air down to the 68 or so I like it at to sleep. Mabye I will have to buy another fan or something, cause this is getting old.
So for those of you that might be interested here are some of the stats from Tichu last night.
Games played to 1000: 2
Hands played in both games: 15
Tichu calls in all hands: 11/15
Tichus made: 11/11
Doubles made:5/15(I think I don't have the paper in front of me right now)
Times the opponent was over 400 points when the game ended: 0
Grand Tichus called: 1/15
Grand Tichus made: 0/1
I think as a group we are starting to get pretty good. 100% tichu rate is...well...perfect. The only thing that seems to kind of be an issue is the seeming streakyness. I am sure that will iron itself out as we start to play more games, but it seems weird. If rolo made the grand tichu they would have had 770 I think when the game ended, so that would have been a lot closer. We will have to keep playing to see how the stats continue, it was only 2 games after all. Oh, and in one hand I had two bombs, a full house, and a queen. Rock on.
I also wanted to brag about my new LJ icon, because it is awesome.