Jul 24, 2009 22:37
So I agonize all week trying to buy myself a better dagger for RDM to skill up with while leveling - the ones I want never came up. So I bought a level 30 dagger tonight (better than the Beestinger I was using that was hitting for like 2 damage), knowing that we were going to be in Western Altepa Desert, where the brown treasure caskets can possibly drop the Rare/EX Galkan Dagger.
As we leave Jeuno, I'm all like "watch, we're gonna get shit loads of brown caskets, and I'm gonna get a new dagger".
First enemy we kill: brown casket. First clue: the number is higher than 90. Talk about easy opening, had tries to spare with that clue. I open the damned thing up.
And there's a fucking Galkan Dagger staring me right in the face. Went off on a cursing rampage. But the damn thing looks cool, goes well with my AF. LOL.
So Square... can I get a Herder's Subligar like this next time I'm in Sauromugue?