Mar 27, 2010 13:13
Not posting much here, obviously. 3 jobs and personal clients rarely gives me time to write out a paragraph of what's going on. Facebook is much more convinient for quick updates.
Started making significant progress in the beginning of the year to dig myself out of the sinkhole of debt. Late Feb/Early March got dirt dropped right back on me. Same stories, different details. I need to get out of here to see personal clients at home to make more $. Need $ to pay off debt and move out. Rinse, repeat.
I downloaded a free copy of Net Objects Fusion to llearn how to make websites. 1000+ page user guide and 200+ page getting started guide. Better promotion and advertising my services seems like the next logical step to get more clients. The places I work out of are great, but they don't give me enough work. Half the time I go there, read all day and go home only with less gas in my car then I started with.
Storytelling OWBN Garou is a blast. It is the greatest compliment for players to grab onto your storylines, fight over your attention and not want to let you go until they reach some high point or conclusion to the plot. Seeing players eyes light up when they've figured something significant out and they internally scream for not noticing it weeks/hours ago makes my entire evening.
All for now, I hope all of you are doing well yourselves.