In case you noticed I didn't post last night,
this is why.
Got hit with a migraine that really kicked my ass. Took two Tylenol and three Midrin and still ended up staring at the toilet, waiting to puke from the pain. Finally I caved and asked Teh Girlfriend to take me to the hospital.
I haven't had to go to the hospital for a migraine in a long time -- Midrin usually kills em dead. Used to be, when I showed up wearing sunglasses at night and whining about a migraine, they'd give me a couple of shots in the ass. Toradol for the pain, and Phenergan for the nausea. Once I think I got a Demerol chaser.
This time, I got a couple of different drugs via IV, with a bag of saline for good measure. Whoo boy, let me tell you, that shit hit me hard. I was barely able to stay awake, I was unsteady on my feet, and I was slurring my words. In other words, I was drunker than I'm usually able to get on alcohol alone.
Did I mention the ER doc was a hottie who looked like Dexter Morgan and Wilson from House had a lovechild?
Anyway, I managed to stay awake till we got home, staggered to bed, and slept like a rock. There's a teeny bit of lingering headache, but at this point it's just background noise.
Well, at least I got a trackmark on my wrist out of the deal. Oh, and I got to scare my mom, that's always a bonus.