Title: There’s a Hole
Author(s): Desiderii
Artist(s): Dragonlover888
Fandom(s): Original Work
Characters/Pairings: Original Characters
Rating: Mature for Violence
Word Count: 29k
Warnings/Spoilers: Graphic violence, horror imagery, postapocalyptic...ness.
Khloe has been working on the salvage team for months, forced to sit on the sidelines by her rejection from the Dragonworks training program. In that time she's been to funeral after funeral as all of the greatest practitioners of the Skill have been killed one by one. Now, her best friend's little brother has finally made Journeyman and the forces that caused the world's end are out to capture him. Khloe was kicked from Dragonworks for good reason, but now a dragon named Amelie wants her to come back despite the dangers. With a youth's life (and perhaps their entire township's survival) in the balance, there's little Khloe can say but yes.
A reality-spanning science fiction fantasy adventure set in a lovecraftian post-acpocalyptic world with shapeshifting dragons and a dwindling population of humans.
Author’s Notes: This was an awesome challenge! Thanks so much to
x-disturbed-x for running DragonBigBang and many thanks to my artist for being so lovely about my story.
Link(s) to Story Master Post/Chapters:
There’s a Hole on Ao3 Link(s) to Art Master Post(s): ToBeAdded