Ta-da! I've been filling out the
TV Tropes page for Dragon Knights! Woooooooooo...
For those of you who don't know, TV Tropes is like a Wikipedia all about tropes, those little devices you find in fiction and stuff. Like cliches, but not really. And what happens on the site is, there are tons of articles about the different tropes, but also articles about different works of fiction and links to all the tropes they include!
Obviously, the Dragon Knights one was a bit small, so I went ahead and added to it >o>;; until I could think of no more!!! You can kinda see where I got lazy when I only put in trope names without explanations, but! I can honestly say that... *goes and counts* about 13 of those tropes where there before me! Woo! *Feels more proud of this than she really should*
Originally I only meant to spend about a week on this, and then I kept going/finals got in the way.
I also added the pic :D
So yes, the series may still have a sucky Wiki, but the TV Tropes page is awesome! And this will be my biannual contribution to the fandom, yeah.
EDIT: Oh, I also didn't come up with the synopsis at the top. Whoever had done that did a really good job I think!
And what I hadn't done yet, is go back to the trope articles to link back Dragon Knights!! xD Maybe that could be the next goal.