Yuletide 2020 Letter

Oct 17, 2020 22:49

Dear Yuletide writer,

Thank you so much in advance! If you've read my AO3 signup, you probably already have a good idea of my DNWs (no graphic sex or violence; I prefer K through T for the most part. Especially with the fandoms whose target audience is juvenile/pre-teen, I don't want fics that are more explicit/adult than the canon. Obviously, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn deals canonically with some pretty tough subject matter, but it's far less graphically depicted than it could have been.) And I'm a sucker for happy/hopeful endings. You can give me tragedy and angst for 99% of the fic, just so you end on a, "This won't break me; I'm going to get past this and come back stronger than ever" note.

So. As far as specifics:

1. Anne of Green Gables

I love slice-of-life, Anne gets into scrapes, grappling with growing up, heart-warming fluff, angst, dreaming of romance, again, pretty much what you get in the books. I also wouldn't mind something like Anne imagining a more adventurous life, daydreaming about being the Lady of Shallot or Queen Guinevere and getting so caught up in her fantasies that... well, you fill in the blank.

2. Belgariad/Mallorean

Seeing the character tagset gave me the idea for the prompt, but I'm flexible. I do love some good banter, whatever else you choose to write.

3. Blue Castle

I LOVE a Valancy who speaks her mind the way she did at the anniversary party. I love her and Barney together, too. Again, wide open.


4. I love the whole Emelan universe, but if you want to pick a specific point in canon, Will of the Empress is my absolute favorite. And I know I said I love Sandry, but there really isn't a nominated character I dislike. You want to focus on Briar, Tris, Daja... Go for it; just give Sandry a few good lines, even if you don't put her front and center.

5. Daredevil (Comics)

Bromance. I think what I put in the signup says it all.

6. New Mutants

Again, please give me the Volume 1 characterizations. If you want to bring in other characters from later volumes, that's fine; I just want to read about the characters I remember.

Thanks again! This entry was originally posted at https://dragonbat2006.dreamwidth.org/61031.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

fic exchanges, letter, yuletide 2020

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