Yuletide Letter

Oct 04, 2017 17:57

Dear Yuletide Author,

First of all, thank you so much for doing this! I really appreciate it.

I tried to be detailed in my signup post, but just in case more clarification is needed, here we go.

1) I'm mostly about gen, but canon friendships that could become something else/have subtext are fine. I like witty banter. No PWP, though.
2) My comfort zone is All Ages and/or Teen. If the reason for a 'mature' rating is a couple of F-bombs or you're including some violence and rating it high to be safe, that's okay. I'm just not looking for explicit sex scenes.
3) I'm a sucker for angst, hurt-comfort, divergence AUs, friendship, and happy endings. And that would include 'hopeful' endings, too. Something along the lines of "Despite everything that fate's tossed our way, we're still here and we're not going anywhere. Maybe we lost the battle, but we'll win the war!" is 100% okay. As is a bona-fide happy ending.
4) Angst over canonical character death is fine. Please don't kill off a character in the fic.

Fandom specifics:


As mentioned, I'm a sucker for Matt-Foggy bromance. I love them as friends, but I don't ship them romantically. As long as that friendship is there, you can give me additional characters and the plot of your choice. I like Matt angsty and I like Foggy savvy (please, no Silver Age buffoonery). Ben and Milla are fine to add, but not necessary.

Dungeons and Dragons:

I love all of the Young Ones and had more of them been nominated, I would have listed them all. Also, this is one of the few times I wouldn't mind romance (Hank/Sheila). Gen is good, too. Wide open here. Give me something in the Realm or a before-the-ride or an after-they-got-home. I'm not really interested in DM-centric or Venger-centric, but no problem if you're inspired to use them in your fic, so long as the Young Ones are front and center. Use as many of the six as you like.


I like Matt and Gwen as adversaries/frenemies. Something where they're forced to work together (either the way it is in canon, where Matt is blackmailing her, or some reason why they would unite in the field against a common foe, albeit temporarily) would be good. Supporting cast is fine; there really isn't anyone I dislike in the comic, though I prefer Castle in small doses.

Thanks again!

This entry was originally posted at https://dragonbat2006.dreamwidth.org/60102.html. Please comment there using OpenID.


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