Orientation went ok

Sep 01, 2011 01:39

First,the "general" orientation, aka "welcome to Seneca. This isn't high school. Be prepared to work. Support is available, etc etc." Then most students were divided by program for... I guess a tailored orientation. My program wasn't included in that, but I'd been notified by mail that I'll get that next week when classes start. So, I had 45 minutes to hit the bookstore--with no wait. And get my student ID-with no wait.

Then there was a barbecue/get to meet reps from the different services.

I've been invited to apply as an English tutor. It seems that they don't have many BA (Enlish Lit)s on the roster. Now, I'm not sure it'll work because

1) I need my unofficial transcript. From 1994. I emailed McGill, so we shall see.
2) The form asks for faculty references. I can't provide any. I can get references. From people I've beta'd. From Partners in Torah. Hopefully that'll do.
3) They're really looking for next semester. Next semester, I'll be on co-op placement.
4) Um... the last time I sat in a classroom was in 1996. I'm taking a full load of 7 courses. (Mandatory. This is a 1-year program, period. Everyone in it is auto-registered in all the courses. There is no part-time option.) Do I really have time for this?

Well, put it this way: I'm flattered, and if I get my transcript, I will submit the application. But if nothing comes of it... no sweat.

Took a campus tour.

Then 'mature student' orientation. Sheesh, I hate that term. I mean... I read YA novels for fun. I have Batgirl Barbie in my living room. I wrote a crossover fic where the Teen Titans guest star on The MUPPET Show. In other words...

I AM NOT MATURE!!!!!! PBBBBbbbbbbttttttttttttt!


Bought 3 textbooks today. Two look interesting. The others weren't in stock yet.

Classes on Tuesday. All kidding aside, I can't wait.

all about me

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