Apr 04, 2008 19:40
The good news: She's feeling better, and they've ramped down to Tylenol for
pain management. The prevailing current theory is that somehow her usual
muscle cramps combined with the abuse her neck probably took during the GI
operation led to a massive muscle cramp grabbing her by the head and shaking
her like a dog with a rag doll, leaving her with a massive acute headache.
...I'm not a huge fan of this theory because I don't see why she would have
been ok all day wednesday, but what do I know, I'm not a doctor.
The bad news: They want a neurologist to look at her, and they want to take
an MRI, and that apparently isn't going to happen until tomorrow. So,
despite feeling better, she is still stuck in the hospital for another day.
I had to get out for awhile, so I imagine she's REALLY having a bad day.
I'm going back in in awhile with a game or two.