Tuesday April 10th, at 6:15pm Central, MoveOn is using the Internet to connect presidential candidates directly to the people.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards, Bill Richardson, Dennis Kucinich, and Joe Biden will answer questions from MoveOn.org's 3.2 million members in the first of three unprecedented virtual town hall meetings. The topic: Iraq.
MoveOn.org Political Action will hold three "virtual town hall meetings" in 2007 to introduce presidential candidates to MoveOn members and publicize candidates' positions on top issues facing the American people.
The first virtual town hall, on April 10, will focus on the war in Iraq. Subsequent meetings will discuss health care and energy/global warming. Each will bring together thousands of people at house parties around the country to participate through an interactive online presentation.
How the Virtual Town Halls Will Work (Stage 1):
· Presidential candidates were invited if at least 10% of surveyed MoveOn members said they would like to hear what he or she has to say.
· MoveOn members voted to determine the questions that are put to the candidates.
Members Vote for Favored Candidates’ Positions (Stage 2):
· Right after the virtual town hall meeting, MoveOn will survey its members to see which candidate they believe will do the best job of leading us out of the war in Iraq. Voting will go on until midnight PST on Wednesday April 11.
· MoveOn will make the results of the support survey public on Thursday, April 12.*
· MoveOn will encourage its members to support their favored candidates’ campaigns by volunteering and contributing money.
* The results of this survey will not constitute the organization’s endorsement of a candidate. MoveOn may decide to hold an endorsement vote later in 2007.
How to Participate in the Virtual Town Hall:
· MoveOn members will gather at house parties on April 10th to hear the candidates speak via an Internet based audio broadcast. They will also be able to see a map of all the parties participating and enter comments, some of which will be displayed during the intermission.
· The event will also be broadcast, with commercial breaks, on Air America XM Satellite Radio (channel 167). It will be re-broadcast without commercial breaks on all Air America local affiliates during the following dates and times:
o Wednesday 4/11 8:00pm-10:00 p.m. ET
o Saturday 4/14 10:00am-12:00 p.m. ET
o Sunday 4/15 8:00am-10:00 a.m. ET
· Media will be able to view the Town Hall by going to
http://pol.moveon.org/townhall/iraq/media at 7:15 p.m. Eastern or 7:15 p.m. Pacific on April 10th.