May 20, 2009 08:42
I've been drunk nearly every night since my oral exam. This should probably stop soon.
April 16th: Oral
17: Start of croquet weekend
18: Croquet Weekend
19: Croquet victory
20: Senior Prank
21: More senior prank
22: Big Beer
23: I was actually sober
24: Croquet Nationals
25: Same
26: Croquet victory round two
27: Woke up hung over as shit and started drinking with Micah as a cure
28: I can't remember why but I know I didn't take this night off
29: Big beer
30: Actually planned on being sober but walking out of seminar Cole suggested a b double e double r u n
May 1st: Camping
2nd: Started drinking after the soccer game when JP "forced" me to shot gun several beers with him
3 - 5: I don't remember maybe someone else does
6: Big Beer
7: Another beer run post seminar
8: Reality Weekend
9: More Reality!
10: Reality weekend ended, but the drinking did not. And I jumped off a bridge
11: Super Big Beer, we drank a fucking keg. Then returned to MD Ave. Lotsa crazy shit there, I think we woke up the whole street
12: PreCollegium Power Hour with Dan, Wicket My Wicket, Former Wicket My Wicket and Poaul
13: Student Tutor Cocktail Party followed by Intramural Party
14: Last seminar ever
15: Senior Dinner, I wasn't drunk but other better things occurred
16: Last Waltz party, I planned on being sober but my uncle kept buying me Red Stripes at dinner. Probably the most sober I have been in the past month though!
17: Graduation, why did they let me have 14 things of champagne? Then giant awesome party
18: Paddy showed up at my house with a bottle of gin, I decided I should try to like gin
19: I thought it was Tabitha's last day but drunkenly convinced her to stay longer
Tonight: I hope to go to Big Beer
Tomorrow: Keg
Friday: First day sober?
Fucking college