A reply to all the anger over language differences in the US.

Jan 10, 2010 09:48

It seems that people are upset over business decisions. When a corporation has language options in their phone menu it's business decision to increase income. These options are marketing. A caller may speak English, but be more comfortable in their native language. When calling to ask about technical or legal specifics it makes sense to hear and converse in the language you know best. The companies are not compelled to offer this service, they choose to in order to serve a growing customer base.

What music a company chooses to play over the intercom is also marketing. They know their demographics and play music that makes them feel comfortable. If you are hearing mariachi music, understand that you are not the targeted consumer. The same applies to language skills of employees. Walmart (for example) hires people who are willing to work for minimum wage and live locally. If your workforce is similar in composition to your customer base, sales improve. People are more likely to buy from people that are familiar, that are similar to them. The complaints about Spanish speakers are the same thing. You can vote with that wallet, but capitalism is pure democracy, the most dollars wins.

The government accommodates people of varying languages for the same reasons. The demographics are changing. In a nation that allows immigration they won't stop changing. Complaining about the changes doesn't do anything. In the end it's choice. You can choose to only speak English and ignore the opportunities afforded by speaking other languages. Or you can choose to accommodate foreign language speakers and limit their immersion learning.

Personally, I believe in common language as the best solution. A single language that all speak and write limits garbles and miscommunication. I also believe in melting-pot society. Immigrants bring new ideas, cultural variations, food etc. Adding these to the vast stew of ideas etc that we already have is good. I disagree with "patchwork diversity" where groups try to maintain their own identities as opposed to assimilating in. I think that leads to divisive sectarian conflicts, both economic and violent. I try to control my personal prejudices and remember that people are people. It doesn't matter what they look like, where they come from or how they sound. It only matters what they do.

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