Oct 12, 2009 17:55
I'm not really all crazy about "the Zombies are coming!" but it's close to Halloween and I just saw "Zombieland" (top 5 Zombie movie, imagine Shawn of the Dead meets 28 Days Later) so here's how to improvise zombie preparations from things around the house or at your local store
Tough pants; Cargo, jeans something that you can move easily in.
Long sleeved shirt
Tough shoes. High boots that you can blouse your pant legs into are best but any hard-wearing walking/running shoes will do.
Long sleeved shirt.
Waterproof jacket with hood.
Leather belt. Not a dress belt, but a thick strap of leather.
Leather work gloves
Safety glasses (goggles, shooting glasses etc)
Face mask or bandanna
Hat (preferably with brim, like a ballcap or combat cap)
2. General Supplies
Duct Tape. Aside from its myriad of domestic uses wrap duct tape around the forearms of your long sleeved shirt and the lower part of your pants. This creates "Redneck Bite Sleeves" No promises but a lot harder to bite thru than cotton. If you don't want to wrap your clothes, wrap some tall socks and cut the toes off socks for your forearms. Also to tape the leg openings closed and gloves on.
Shoelaces or twine or "parachute cord" For tying stuff.
Pocket knife, for cutting stuff, nor a weapon, utility use.
2 1liter bottles of water (or other water carrier).
1 small or midsized spray bottle of bleach. ALL the varetions of undead that I've seen have been bloodborne. Bleach kills ALL bloodborne virii known so far.
First aid stuff (bandages, painkillers, ect. Tampons and pads do wonders for heavy wounds)
Change of clothes. At least underwear and socks.
Tarp. Cheap tent, A poncho or 2 can sufice in a pinch.
Tent stakes (for above)
Cheap LED light
Radio for updates.
Spare batteries.
3. Weapons
Firearms should be purchased in advance but some may be able to be scrounged after the event.
Crowbar. A great general purpose looting and escape tool that doubles as a good hand weapon.
Handguns. The handgun is the go-to weapon for emergencies, it can be concealed until needed to avoid conflict with athorities. Possession is key, reliablity is second. 1 is good, 2 is better, 3 may be too much unless 1 or 2 are carried in pockets. Extra ammo, magazines and holsters are good. Belt holsters are fine.
Long gun. The gold standard of cinamatic long guns is the 12 ga shotgun. Simple, cheap with very common ammo. For the tactically inclined, a M1 carbine, AR15 variant or AK47 variant with ammo and magazines If you are thinking about how you may have to beat zombies over the head with it the m44 Mosin-Nagant Carbine is less then $100 and 440 rounds of ammo are about $110. The M44 is near impossible to break and also simple. Longer ranged than the shotgun it's also slower.