Any Mortgage Processors out there looking for a job

Feb 07, 2009 18:29

So I run the operations of a loss mitigation company in Tampa
(READ - we prevent foreclosure by working with lenders, realtors and attorneys)
The way we help, negotiate loan modifications and negotiate short sale offers.

What I need: someone who was or is a processor/underwriter.
What I pay 15-17/hr + bonuses (Bonuses usually equate to 125-250/week...25 per closed file)
Where it is: Tampa spitting distance from Westshore Mall.
When I need you: I am accepting resumes until Wednesday, I will make a decision by Friday and you will start 2/16(Monday)

Do not respond unless you specifically have worked in mortgages, foreclosures, bankruptcies or loss mitigation.

Send me your resume.
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