Nov 06, 2014 11:40
I cast my ballot after work on Election Night. However, there were so many incumbents running unopposed that my effort was mostly worthless. I at least got my say on proposed amendments, the governor and lieutenant governor, as well as the Congressional critters that represent special interests and not those of the actual people they are supposed to serve.
I'm not bitter. I'm angry. Everyone complains about Congress, but they don't want "their" representation to change, even if that representation is part of the problem. I have the courage to vote against someone I think is doing a bad job as my representative--but voting "against" things and people is a crappy way to vote. Vote FOR what you believe in. Unfortunately, you may have to prioritize what you believe in...and sometimes the guy who is "for" the thing you believe in most is against all the other things you believe in. It makes that decision very very very difficult.
A friend crystalized my voting method based on an incident that happened to him while he was waiting to vote. One of the marriage amendments was on the ballot for his state, and someone in line accosted him trying to convince him to vote against the amendment. As a disabled American veteran, he was incensed, and he turned to respond: "I did NOT risk my life on behalf of this country so that YOU could TAKE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS AWAY" Apparently, there was a good bit of thoughtful silence following that remark. I wonder who actually won that argument....
That simple statement, the sentiment that the role of the government is to expand and protect people's rights, that is what forms the fundamental core of how I make my decisions during elections. The government isn't there to protect the rights of businesses. It is there to protect the rights of WE the PEOPLE. Which part of the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness was unclear?
Cuddle Bug Fu
Colder weather = cuddly kitties. MMMMMMMMM! Plush kitty endorphins!
'Nuff said.
I'm getting annoyed. A large portion of my job centers around education. Over the last month, I've had to cancel over half a dozen classes that have been on the schedule. Low enrollment. Last minute "emergencies". Whatever. I don't have the minimum number of students to make the classes practical. By the same token, everyone seems to whine that they don't know what to do or how to use the tools....but they don't take the time to go to the class?
Head. Desk. Repeat