Aug 07, 2014 08:54
The flooring is acclimating to its new home, and the cats are not interested in the boxes other than to shred them. Repainting the bedroom has fallen by the wayside because none of the colors my sweetie picked suited her. They were too gray, too cold, or something else was not satisfactory. Perhaps when we re-paint the trim in the room, that will satisfy her. The current trim paint is a bit grayish, I think. Repainting the hallway is still in play, though. It does need it--especially since I started patching some of the ding and dents that have been bugging us.
Mighty Hunter Fu
Keiichi is now the Mighty Bug Hunter of the house. He's still young enough that a scuttling bug or flying insect is a toy. Everyone else is old, fat, and jaded now. Why do I need to hunt bugs? The pink, hairless monkeys feed me every day. Even Ælfgifu shows no interest in bug hunting. On the other hand, she is no longer staying aloof from us. Every evening, she firmly settles between me and my sweetie as we turn into couch potatoes--slowly accumulating more television programs than we can watch....