
Jun 18, 2013 12:32

I wish I had had time to listen to the rest of the story, but NPR ran a segment on 3-D printing and prosthetic hands via the unlikely collaboration between a South African carpenter and a Washington (state) puppeteer.

Online version of NPR article

It is a real shame that my sweetie's company didn't make it to full production mode in the late 1990s--this is exactly the sort of thing they were heading towards. The sample models BPM produced included hip replacement joints.

Sigh Too bad she gets no glory for being one of the pioneer programmers in this field. :(

Speaking of MakerBots, we missed out on the NC Maker Faire. Our assumptions about our travel plans for the month convinced us to cancel the notion of going, yet we have changed plans enough that we could have attended. Now I feel like I missed out--but that is nothing new. I always feel like that.

Not On The Road Again

I get two for one out of that title. Traffic this morning was incredibly light. I am extremely grateful. The other note is that our damaged vehicle is still in the shop theoretically until the end of this week. Apparently, acquisition of parts takes much longer than expected. Sigh

Mine Fu

AElfgifu has tried to claim the new runner in front of the fire place as "hers".

Good luck with that

vehicle, technology, ealdercote, cats

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