Jun 11, 2013 13:14
We had a tornado warning in our area yesterday. It was enough to call for folks downtown to shelter in place, and just small enough of a coverage area to exclude my office building. As a result, my co-workers and I abandoned the daily perimeter patrol. I made up for it by cycling for a half-hour while I waited for dinner to bake.
Woo. Exciting. NOT.
Damage Control
My sweetie checked out the damage Josie did to the back of my knee. She made that noise that we all dread--you know, the same kind of noise your mechanic makes when getting ready to estimate what he'll have to do to get your vehicle back in working shape. Sort of like an inverted whistle. I take it the damage was worse than I could detect. Do you realize how hard it is to see the back of your own knees? You can only twist them so far, and we don't have a full-length mirror in the house, so propping my leg up on the counter to attempt a self-diagnostic simply resulted in painful contortions.
At least things weren't so bad that she whipped out the Neosporin or a bandage...meaning it is simply one of those ugly surface-level "zippers" cats sometimes inflict on your skin.
Love My Carpet Fu
The cats seem to be really enjoying the new area rugs. Josie was hard at work trying to unravel the carpet in the library until I fussed at her. Ignatius likes the big rug in the living room, and even AElf' tried out the steampunk throw-rug.
Silly kitties!
Fashion Programming
My sweetie really liked the way I did my Steampunk 101 presentation a couple months back, and she's been using the same basic PowerPoint presentation for each of the subsequent programs--but cutting out stuff not relevant to the specific program and adding in all the other stuff that is relevant. Tonight, she's presenting something on Steampunk Fashion. I hope she has a much better turnout than I did for "101". I'm still slightly annoyed that I went to all that effort for essentially nothing.
She was struggling with the editor she has on her computer--it doesn't have the fonts, the way to do things isn't nearly as obvious as it is in PowerPoint, and she accidentally closed her file mid-edit.
Somehow, she roped me into doing next month's program--which is on bicycles. I'm not interested in bicycles much these days, much less their historical evolution. I used to ride a bicycle on a fairly consistent basis with a group of other cyclists, but as the population density keeps increasing and the roads stay just as narrow as they did before, the ease and safety of that activity is a lot less than it was twenty years ago. Sigh. She knows I'll do the research and present something relevant and reasonably engaging, though.