I started looking through back issues of the club newsletter looking for inspiration. It looks like a number of articles I was hoping to do have already been done. Articles on local passenger service, named freight trains, etc. There were programs while I was gone that covered some of these topics, so I don't want to recycle material that way. The newsletter has been around for about 20 years, so maybe it is time for an index so I can figure this out and not repeat stuff.
It would help if I could hobnob with the right folks to catch some historical gems. The year has just begun, and the first major piece of content I have for the next month is an obituary. :(
Dairy Fu
I used to be so proud that our cats did not attempt to mooch off our dinner plates. Alas, someone allowed Ignatius a sample of dairy, and now when
ealdthryth has buttered toast, or one of us has cheese, our tubby tabby is in our face waiting for his share of the dairy products. Sigh.
Overheated Fu
ealdthryth complained of being too hot last night and at some point, kicked off the blankets. The reason she was hot was because both Kiera and Ignatius were curled up next to her feet. Duh! :)
Mousy Fu
Winter is here. Apparently, that means the field mice have made it into the chimney again. I saw Ignatius and Josie both scoping out the fireplace, their ears twitching like radar dishes homing in on a target. Great. As long as they don't make into the living space, we'll be fine.
Smart Finger
I've been diligent about changing the bandaids every day, but the fingers look like bleached raisins or prunes--or better yet, with the greyish white color, they look more like little brains. Smart fingers...heh. The skin is taking a while to knit back together. I do a lot of typing for a living, so the constant flexing of those fingers is making the healing process take longer.
In other health related news, the holiday feasting and subsequent leftovers have taken a toll. I'm parachuting back down, but I did cross the line back to technically overweight. Having pizza for lunch on Saturday didn't help matters. :^P At least I am back to my daily walking routine, and that will help burn a few calories along with all the teeth chattering.