Either the pain has lessened a mite, or I've gotten used to it. Bleh. Next stop is the orthopedist. I've never actually known what an orthopedist does. I will find out soon...the hard way. 8^P
Speaking of health issues, my poor sweetie had to try and change her bandage by herself yesterday morning. It squicked her out so much she nearly grayed out. Unfortunately, I was already at work by that time, so I couldn't help. Blood doesn't bother me, so next time, maybe I can deal with it while she looks the other way.
We were picking what options to order on the new vehicle last night. There were three different variations on the electronic carp gear that could come with it, and the variations were way too subtle for me to comprehend easily. We could have gone with the most basic of models, but it still has a lot of button-oriented gear all over the console, and I don't feel like trying to drive and learn how to play the pipe organ at the same time. Yes, there are ranks and ranks of buttons, keys, and knobs. Gimme a break! It is a CAR, not an airplane!!!!
ealdthryth was peeved that if we wanted the top-tier set of electronic gear, we had to get about $1200 worth of additional gear that we are completely uninterested in. However, in this case, the additional features don't seem to have an obvious correlation to the electronics package. I can see the potential argument about an "Adventure Package", but as best I can tell, this is a software thing, not a hardware thing, so there is no reason for it to be this way. I realize that bundling options together makes things easy for the manufacturer, but, geez....
To add insult to injury, in order to activate any of the cool electronic features, you must also pay a subscription fee that is not accounted for in the cost of the vehicle. It is sort of like cable television--first you buy the television set, then you have to pay setup costs and then an annual subscription fee.
And do they charge me $50 for every bag I want to put in the back of the vehicle, too? Ummm. Actually, the answer is yes if you buy the cargo compartment containers and other accessories, it does kind of work out that way, but at least it is a one time cost instead of $50 per trip....
Aggressive Tabby is Aggressive Fu
Ignatius has stepped up his level of aggression at meal time. Usually, if one of the cats gets on the counter to show their anxiety over how quickly food will be served, it is AElf' being a nuisance. This morning, Ignatius kept butting me out of the way to lick at the can, spoon, or lid, not even waiting for the bowls to reach the floor. When I gently pushed him off the counter, he meowed loudly and indignantly. It wasn't as if he had been deprived overnight. There was still ample kibble left in the bowls.
In the positive column, he seems to have stopped missing the litter box.
Cockroach Conservatism
There is a brightness control on my television set, but it seems to have no effect on the intelligence level of the political debates and discussions being broadcast to my television. On a slightly related note, I have further evidence that certain so-called conservative candidates cause cockroaches.
ealdthryth played a video of an interview with a less-than-stellar candidate. About the time she was trying to backpedal on her personal interpretation of the definition of Marxism, a cockroach appeared.
I may consider a moratorium on any political broadcasts in the house just to ensure we don't have an infestation of insects.