Different Stuff

Sep 19, 2011 10:24

ealdthryth headed off to the mountains for a few days, so I was left to my own devices. Mostly boring stuff for me. A little cleaning, a little kitty snuggle time, and then I got to have a little fun at the railroad museum.

I get to add a skill to my list of model railroading capabilities! I built a new turnout switch mostly from scratch. Someone decided to make some changes to the layout at one terminus point, and needed a left-hand turnout. All the turnouts on the layout are handmade--the commercially available ones didn't work so well, and didn't look prototypical enough. A while back, the club ordered a template and stocked up on materials, so it didn't take much but a few hours of my labor and learning how to use the template. My soldering skills aren't all that great--having rare occasion to use a soldering iron may be part of the issue. Sadly, I scorched my finger a couple of times, but not enough to leave a scar or anything like that (though it was sore for quite a while). It was a pretty good feeling to have completed the project though--in spite of the fact I didn't run any trains....


My enjoyable day at the railroad museum had one big sour note. When I got home, I discovered that Kiera had had litterbox issues. Multiple skid marks were present in a variety of places. I had to make a special trip into town to get the enzyme-filled cleaner to deal with it. Poor kitty! I noticed she smelled bad when she came to see Ignatius, but I couldn't catch her.

Sunday, she hid most of the day. ealdthryth got home 2 hours earlier than I expected--which turned out to be a good thing since it required two of us to corral and clean Kiera. She got a lot of grooming and a bath. She was very displeased, but she is such a gentle little girl, she did NOT turn into a furry Cuisinart during this process. She whined and moaned a little bit, but nothing like the howls Ignatius provided when he got a bath

All the other cats hovered around the bathroom door trying to figure out what the ruckus was about, but they mostly stayed out from underfoot. Ignatius perched on the counter to supervise, but once he realized there was water in the bathtub, he beat a hasty retreat.

Poor kitty! I hope she understands we helped her out....


ealdthryth is correct. LJ is not the place to be if I want feedback and interactivity.... All my birthday greetings came through the other place. I got a couple of phone calls from the parental units and Lil' Sis.

birthday, model railroad, cats

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