University #75

Mar 19, 2009 16:21

In June, I will have hit the end of the road for University, and it is kind of cool that it is a "milestone" session (#75) at which that I will be retiring as Chancellor.... It's a little bittersweet. I've enjoyed being Chancellor, but the travel has been a little rough on us. Our University road trips have been a lot longer than we normally are used to, but at least the gear we take is significantly less than if we were to go to a tournament event.

We were lucky enough to have competing bids and unfortunate enough to have competing events now that June University is no longer a protected event. No one wanted to compete against the Golden Rose Tourney, so I am glad Crois Brigte came through with a first weekend bid for us. So the call for classes went out last night, and I gave myself a week to assemble the schedule and publish it a month out from the session.

Again, the question arises What then? Honestly, I have numerous Round Tuit projects. One major one is underway: decluttering the house. And then I need to start thinking about the time-consuming maintenance projects that we've been neglecting such as scraping and repainting the windows, cleaning and re-sealing the deck, replacing several exterior doors. There are plenty more, but if I list them all, it gets depressing.

Multiple Aspects of Decluttering

One more round of shredding, and I'm done (for now). I spent the rest of the evening reconciling accounts, so there is another facet of decluttering taken care of. I had delayed reconciling one particular account because we were using it to purchase Christmas presents for one another. If I reconciled the account, I would know what ealdthryth bought for me, and if she reconciled it, she'd know what I got her. Unfortunately(?), she started buying presents in September and after the holidays, I didn't immediately get around to dealing with the account. Luckily, it is a low volume account, so it was pretty easy to get through 6 months' worth of reconciliation in one evening.

I'm sure the LJ world is exceptionally interested in knowing this....

Is This a Green Step???

The co-worker with the spare trees was out of the office yesterday, but he is here today bearing gifts. I'll be bringing home the oak sapling this evening, so I'll be spending time trying to figure out where and how to plant it. Putting in the back yard to replace the big Bradford pear is appealing, but replacing the one in the front yard would also be good.

Sleepy Fu

I've been having a hard time getting out of bed the last several mornings. I managed it just fine today--which means that when I go to bed "on time" it makes my life easier. Ignaitus has gotten used to the new "bad" routine, so when I got up early, he followed me to the bathroom blinking sleepily the whole time.

The other cats simply yawn, stretch, and appear to go from zero to sixty in a heartbeat. Ignatius has that sleepy little kid look--he squints, blinks a lot, and yawns several times, flops down, gets up, and then eventually he is up to speed. If I can get a photo of him with "sleepy face", I could turn it into a LOLCat: Is it coffee tiem now?


Mythcrushers and Speed Graphics via FaceMyLive

Last night, ealdthryth took great delight in discovering information via the electronic social networking of "MyLiveFace". First, she bounced around the office ecstatic over the the return of the in-laws big red racing rig. The truck and trailer does look great, and it certainly gives the impression of speed even though it is parked.

ealdthryth then gleefully informed me that Kari Byron is expecting. My response was The hopes of millions of Mythbuster fanboys have been crushed. Our review of Kari's "top ten" list of issues around being pregnant was pretty amusing. Congrats to Kari, and I am thinking that her baby will have a very interesting childhood.

Now as to why ealdthryth seemed so gleeful about discovering all these things, I am not sure. Perhaps it is the sheer thrill of discovering information, or it could be that she is feeling techno savvy about using "LiveMyFace".

Oh. wait. I forgot. My wife is an information junkie.... It is an Info High.

amused, university, environment, house, ealdthryth, cats

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