[As the video starts you see a poster:
After, Aya comes to the screen, making a small sword movement (her hair is black/dark brown, so pretend it’s not orange here, pelase)
And once she is done, she puts her katana down and grins at the screen, an excited expression on her face]
Welcome to Aya Natsume’s Jyuuken Dojo!! [she steps to the side so you can see
a Dojo] Smoker-san mentioned people know many different techniques around this ocean, and therefore the best way is to train with them and to share what I know as well. [It’s easy to see how excited the girl is, bouncing around. By the ways. Boobs. Yes, she has them big]
So I’ve got this boat and it was so expensive… and I’ve decided to turn it into a dojo, where people can train together. [there is a huge smile] Anyone who wishes to come by, feel welcome. I’ll do my best!
[and out of no where she grabs cookies] And I even made cookies! Look, they are so cute! [and shows
them to you ] Please, come by!