Dragon Age II, Part 7: Permanently Frozen

Oct 01, 2011 12:00

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Re: Hawke/Anders - A Second Chance anonymous September 19 2011, 03:20:57 UTC
Undeterred by the Senior Enchanter's stern glare, he gave Petra a charming grin. "So, are you going to be the Guardian for the Amells' Test tomorrow? You can tell me..."


"What? I was just wondering..."

"None of your business! Now hurry up!" She walked briskly up to the office door and knocked.

This late at night, Kinloch Hold was quiet enough that the knock was clearly audible, even in the private rooms beyond the First Enchanter's office. Hawke rolled out of bed at once, absently setting the book aside as he tightened the sash on his evening robe and hurried into the office, heart racing.

This late, it wouldn't be a social call.

He wasted no time in waving the door open; he relaxed minutely when he glimpsed an all-too-familiar face, peering bright-eyed over Petra's shoulder.

"What's he done now, Senior Enchanter?" Hawke groaned, dropping his face into his hand and rubbing his sore eyes.

"Hope we didn't interrupt anything interesting, serah," Anders cut in at once, with a grin as flashy as the gold earring glinting in his ear. "I'd just like to say, I was on my best behavior all day long. Dunno why Petra..."

"Since it hasn't been 'day' for hours, that hardly reassures me," Hawke parried sharply. "Unless you've suddenly been promoted to Senior Enchanter, I wasn't talking to you. Now are you going to shut up, or will I have to give you a refresher course in Glyph of Paralysis?"

Anders' eyes lit up and his eyebrows wagged suggestively but he answered with his widest silent grin.

Hawke eyerolled at the brat before turning his attention to Petra, nodding in the appropriate places as she filled him in on the latest shenanigans. He sighed. "Maybe if they have to deal with the consequences they'll learn not to binge. No hangover treatment this time, to anyone but the Amell twins." He thought it over and added in a grumble, "Except contraceptive potions of course." He nodded to Petra. She was a bit officious - there was nothing here that couldn't have waited until the morning - but she did do her job. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention," he told her, before giving the boy with her the side-eye. "I'll take it from here. Good evening, Senior Enchanter."

Another good thing about Petra was that she wasn't chatty. She returned his nod and let herself out.

Leaving him to deal with the excessively chatty boy.

"Soo..." Anders beamed at him, like a particularly chirpy canary in a crow's disguise. He made a show of pulling the collar of his charcoal robes wide open. "Here we are..." He licked his finger and smoothed a black feather back into place on his left pauldron. "Late at night... All alone together. Why, First Enchanter," the impossible brat actually purred, "this is just the way rumours start." He eyed Hawke's desk as eagerly as if he wanted to be bent over it and shagged senseless there and then.

Which is a thought that I really should not be having! Hawke reminded himself with an inward wince. "You look satisfied with yourself," Hawke snapped: as always, the best defense was a good offense.

"Not yet, but I'm hoping you could change that-"


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